Saturday, April 3, 2010

Political and Economic Structures we have created that make us who we are...

As I look upon the problems of US today I cannot help but notice that, as in all things in life, these problems are ones of our own creation.  Let's, for example, look upon the Healthcare issue that is dominating our airwaves.  One of the prevalent parts of this issue is the Insurance Industry.  We hear about this industry rising rates, dropping people when they most need assistance and not covering those with pre-existing conditions.  Most people would agree that the system has to change but differ in how to do so.  I suggest let's look at the root of the problem.  In this country that is built on the Capitalist principles we have created a system that places a premium on profitability.  Everyone that has dabbled in the stock market or taken any economics classes will agree that making money is king.  Thus in enabling and expecting a for-profit company, such as many insurance companies are (I know that some are not for profit but I believe they are still owned by for profit companies), to make money we shouldn't be surprised at its behavior.  They are expected to cut costs and maximize profits.  That is their first priority and until it changes its focus on providing citizens with affordable and comprehensive healthcare things will not change. 

Taking this example and spreading it out to the greater spectrum of industries we can see the root of many of our issues.  Companies are focused on profit and not what is best for society.  You can look at automotive, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, food and other industries and find my point to be true.  If it weren't for lawsuits and heavy subsequent regulations we still wouldn't have seat belts in our cars or know what goes into our food.  But regulations don't help because there are always loopholes and lobbyists and any regulation has to be enforced.  I have recently heard that most of our fish supply now has such high levels of mercury that it is simply not safe for consumption.  Unfortunately it is being consumed and that means that babies prior to being born already have mercury poisoning which leads to many terrible conditions including autism.  I can go into remedies and suggestions on how to improve our system of governance and no I am not a socialist that wants to eradicate free markets.  I am a strong believer in private ownership and innovation just not innovation that gets stifled by large corporations because of what it would do to their profit margins. 

I believe that our problems are problems of society as a whole.  We as a people allow these practices to go on and are already at a point where real systematic change cannot be implemented because of "too big to fail."  Thus we need to stop bickering, look at the country as a whole and realize that where we are headed is not good for all of us.  Let's change focus and forget about politics.  Let's throw away our safety blankets of opinions acquired via someone else and think for ourselves.  What can we do that would benefit us and our children?  And then start making some real investments into that.  Capitalism, as it is built, will adapt and create new opportunities for growth.  Let's focus on the big picture.  I believe in our society and know that we have the courage to change.  Let's do it together!


  1. Lets raise the red flags! Power to the people! Industrial workers and farmers shall unite! Lets overthrow the bloodsucking capitalists, and live in the society designed to benefit people as a whole, where profits are not the objective!

    Is there a battleship sitting off the coast on Lake Michigan to fire THE SHOT?

  2. Thanks for your comment Anonymous :).

    Trigor, Thanks for mistaking me for Karl Marx. As always there are no issues that are cut and dry. I am not against profit, I would be a hypocrite since I am a business owner. I am merely observing that when the main driver is money then society suffers. I believe that healthcare should be a non-for-profit endeavor with caps on administrative overhead. I believe there should be stringent but smart and enforceable regulations that look out for societal interest. I believe that lobbying rules be changed, etc, etc, etc. I would love to have these conversations and debate the merits of our ideas thus this blog. So thanks for getting down to the lowest common denominator to get a laugh. I appreciate the humor. However, maybe next time we can discuss things a bit more seriously.

  3. And? Will yapping on this blog achieve anything? Realistically speaking? You want to change the world: join and support a party that will gain momentum and get seats in the US government. Until then, you can yapp all you want, while the machine keeps turning its wheels.

    If history has taught us anything: the systems, whether they are commie, or pure capitalists, are all equally evil: they depend on humans to run them. And humans are fundamentally flawed creatures, they are ... well, they are greedy assholes. And normally you can't do much unless you piss people off enough to pick up pitchforks. But the pricks that run this country are too smart to piss people off like that: thus the society will continue to gobble up their daily doses of fast food, their celebrity gossip, and continue being butt fucked by the government. So relax your butt cheecks, let the government take more of your money and submerge yourself deeper into the world of spirituality, where at least you can find a refuge from the daily horrors of life.

  4. Trigor,

    I agree with you that the problems are difficult and they require more than 1 person. However if everyone feels the way you do nothing will get done. Thus I am starting this blog to discuss issues and once we come up with ideas we can call upon our Congress representatives and Senators as well as figuring out which candidates stand for what we believe. We could align ourselves with one(?) of the Independent parties and push for reform. That is why we live in a Democracy because people do have a voice. If we don't do anything then who will? By the way, while I agree that sometimes the use of profanity is called for let's try to stay away from that type of language on this blog. As to me submerging into the world of spirituality to find a refuge...I believe that the lessons I learn in the Spiritual realm are very applicable to the Physical one.

  5. Oh please! Here is the future of this effort (cliff notes version): you will get few replies, maybe a few from total strangers. You will suck on dreaming about change, you will talk about how you would set up certain policies, and then you might even find the bravery to send a letter to your senator (and get an auto response from his/her secretary). And that will be it. Because for REAL change of this magnitued you need the two things most humans spend their entire lives chasing: money and time. Lots of them. So your effort to make a difference is futile. You will succeed in yapping, which is a true waste of time. Politics is a dirty, rotten game, where good and decent people do not belong. Oh, and the democracy you cry about so often: what good is it? Is rule of the majority such a good thing? As I said, relax your butt cheeks, and move on. :)

    PS: and by the way, where is the democracy you cry about even in this blog? Already, you are telling your only participant what to say and what not to. Lets have a vote whether we want swear words in this blog or not, and then decide. Until the majority of this blog decided that the swears do not belong here, FUCK FUCK FUCK. FUCK. :)

  6. Trigor,

    You are very funny and I take your point about swearing, swear all you like :) As to the change, we are not ruled by majority, just the people posing as representatives of the majority when they are representing a few that pay for the representation. I realize that this blog won't change the world but it will give me and hopefully others somethings to think about. That in itself is good change that leads to more independence of the minds. What happens above that is bonus.

  7. Yet again you are mistaken. The representatives are chosen by the people via a voting process, where the majority wins. This is the way duchebags such as Daley maintain power grab by targeting specific segment of the population. When the reps are elected, they are "politiking" via same "democratic" process, where a majority vote is needed to pass a law. Also, I am no expert, but if majority of people sign a petition for a voting on a particular subject, they can force our reps to hold a majority-wins voting process. Careful navigation in this realm will grant you powers. So as I said, your democratic process is shit in itself, as the mob chooses how the society is governed.

    So stop wasting your time. You want to do good? Adopt a pet. Volunteer. Do contributions to the needy. But yapping is ... yapping. Blah.

  8. Isn't The Truth supposed to be born out of discussions?
    We were having a political discussion at work, and a subject got me worried. I called Mr. Quinn. In fact, I call both of his offices to leave a message for him. I strongly suspect he wouldn't listen to the message, but with enough messages, it woul probably be mentioned to him by his assistant. However, to my surprise, both lines seemed to be malfunctioning. There was no option to get in touch with our beloved Mr. Quinn. A lunch discussion moved me to take action, and in process also invalidate my assumption that I can voice my opinion at any time. Or we can skip political discussion, relax butt cheeks and go watch some opera (and maybe sing a little). That's what Trigor does :-P But then lets not complain if somebody takes advantage of those relaxed butt cheeks. I may still end up being ... "taken advantage of" by the public servants, but talking about it is theraputic and may result in some action.
